spokespeople." Advocate No. 157... and "Most homosexuals are upwardly mobile ... You (Advocate readers) are employed and a useful, responsible citizen. You have an attractive body, nice clothes, and an inviting home." Advocate No. 156

Anita Bryant, former Miss America contestant, born-again Christian, vendor of "Paper Roses" and homosexual baiter recently said in an. interview with The National Observer, "Only parents can reproduce. Homosexuals can't reproduce, so in order to survive and sustain their life-style, they are going to have to recruit. And I'm not necessarily talking about molestation. When the act of homosexuality is no longer illegal, it might even get to the point where it would be normal and straight heterosexual life, as God instituted it, would be abnormal. That's a very fearful thing. I know I am not acting out of hate or anger in my heart or out of malice towards homosexuals. I am against the act of homosexuality. God says He loves the sinner but He hates their sin. Throughout this whole thing I have been able to pray for the homosexuals. I know a homosexual can be liberated from these hideous chains." ...

Meanwhile, Bryant's group, Save Our Children Inc. has collected enough signatures to put the Dade County Gay Rights Bill on the ballot for voter approval or rejection. And Ms. Bryant will get her chance to have the Singer Co. syndicated television series after all. Gay activists were happy with that decision. Said Bob Basker of Miami, a spokesperson for a gay rights group, "Perhaps the incident will show Ms. Bryant that people should be judged on their merits, rather than their beliefs...".....

Several groups have been calling for a Florida orange juice boycott since the Bryant debacle. Among them is the Gay Scene, NYC's gay paper. Here in Ohio the Oberlin Gay Union at the recent Ohio Gay Rights Coalition meeting proudly announced the orange juice available for members was from California and not Florida ... While no formal boycott has yet been called for, gays everywhere seem to be avoiding Florida citrus products like the plague


Gay groups across the nation are planning a "massive" demonstration in the nation's capital on May 21 to mark the first anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling which upheld the constitutionality of anti-gay laws in many states of the Union. The court ruling upheld the right of states to regulate who may do what to whom in the privacy of individual bedrooms....

The Sentinel reports that gays and same-sex couples have no right to dance together in Bloomington, Indiana according to the Bloomington Human Rights Commission. Although the city has an ordinance banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, the rights board ruled that dancing does

not fall within the protected categories of that legislation. The 5-1 decision found that gays are an "invisible class" and because same-sex dancing does not indicate sexual orientation, there is nothing the commission can do to force discos to lift the ban on same-sex couples dancing together. The commission also held that they had no jurisdiction over bans which forbid persons from the same sex from hugging or sharing an apartment. Indiana gays are asking, "What good is the ordinance?".....

The following news items are courtesy of Boston's Gay Community News ...

The state of Arkansas is actively reinstituting penalties for homosexual acts. An antisodomy bill recently passed the House of Representatives, 66-2. Previously, the state's 1976 Criminal Code revision had decriminalized sexual acts between consenting adults, but the new bill permits trial juries or judges to levy sentences of up to ten years in prison for homosexuality or bestiality. The bill is now before the Senate, a traditionally more conservative body than the House. Gov. David Pryor has not yet indicated whether he will sign the bill into law if and when it reaches his desk ...

In a major setback for gays, the Federal Communications Commission has ruled that gay people are not a distinct community group to be interviewed about broadcast practices and services. To date, the FCC has listed 19 specific groups whose opinions must be considered by radio and television stations that are licensed by the FCC. The new FCC list not only omits gays, but also interprets its "catch all" category of "minority ethnic groups" to exclude gays

Ex-gay evangelist Guy Charles, who recently "saved" two young men from homosexuality at a Braintree, Mass. rally, continues his crusade against gays through the organization Liberation in Jesus Christ. The group has written a letter to NBC-TV criticizing the network's projected made-for-television movie about ex-Sgt. Leonard Matlovich. The letter argues that the network "has a responsibility regarding morality" and accuses NBC of "forcing" homosexual themes on the public. "Why doesn't your network present the other side of the homosexual picture, namely those who are able to change their sexual life-style rather than attempting to force it upon others?" asks the letter. LJC also threatens a boycott of all sponsors of shows with gay male or lesbian themes....

Gypsy's Jungle is now open in Cleveland at Gypsy's Restaurant. A cocktail lounge, the bar is an eye-opener and has been described as "the most intimate bar, and we do mean intimate" by a spokesperson. Every Friday there is an all you can eat fish fry from 6 p.m. until

Continued on Page 9


at the

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